Photo of Felix Diclo United States

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Felix Diclwas born in the Dominican Republic, where, I Attended the School of Fine Arts, the National University Pedro Henriquez Urea (UNPHU) and Institute of Technology and System (Thesis). In 1994 I immigrated in the Unite States and is residing in Providence, Rhode Island. Dicls artwork created explore a world of colors, light, good artistic Techniques, and aesthetic dialogues remarkably That Reflects the human...

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9.45 x 7.09 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
15.75 x 11.81 in

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Photo of Felix Diclo United States

Felix Diclwas born in the Dominican Republic, where, I Attended the School of Fine Arts, the National University Pedro Henriquez Urea (UNPHU) and Institute of Technology and System (Thesis). In 1994 I immigrated in the Unite States and is residing in Providence, Rhode Island. Dicls artwork created explore a world of colors, light, good artistic Techniques, and aesthetic dialogues remarkably That Reflects the human conditions. His pictorial reflections of light projects world That bring us to discover fading images Being Absorbed by shadows, Things as simple as the beauty of the human body, the colored flames That populate New England in autumn, as well as the strong force of the abstract composition . Dicls Creative Notions, Perceive as pictorial world from historical, historical Goes Far Beyond Conditions as an immigrant. His artwork portrays the transformation of historical perception of the Outside World and His own internal experience Captured on canvas, like a giant colored Whose umbrella unchains the viewers outburst Astonishment.

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